Friday, April 1, 2011

deliver me

Deliver me

"silently such a deadly crime, to think that I own my own life. Deliver me from my selfish pride."

I get overwhelmed by emotion so often. Today was one of those days. Thankfully God shook me with Proverbs 18:2

"a fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart."

Too often I seek to express MY heart without understanding the other side. My posture is self seeking. How am I following the example of the perfect servant?

With an overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.

If I actually sat and listened to myself think about others, people that have hurt me, people that act out of hurt, I neglect the position of servant and act out of the position of victim. Jesus never claimed victimization. He never villainized people. He chose to see each individual and love them. Even though it was because of them that He would die, he would hurt.

And I have a hard time praying for/forgiving a man that made promises he couldn't keep....

When I act out of hurt, I am putting myself and my need to be heard above another.

I make wishes on dandelions. Only one of them hasn't come true. And i have been wishing on them since childhood. They ultimately become a prayer. What if I made those wishes on behalf of others?

A servant puts the needs of others above her own.

Take it one step further: a servant of the Lord puts the needs of others before her own, OUT of a deep love and admiration for the creator of servanthood. It is through her pursuit of learning to be like Him that she BECOMES more like Him.


I was put on this earth to share the word and to share Him. But I do it because I KNOW He keeps His promises. And He promises to love me, to forgive me and to set me free. He promises to never leave me. He promises to mold and make me. It is through the grace and acceptance that I share my heart. We walk in a world of brokenness. How can I keep the ultimate healer hidden?

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